Friday, May 14, 2010

We do live in the mountains!!!!!

You just get used to your surroundings.  Complacent?  Lackadaisical?  Maybe.  It still surprises me to have people talk about a mountain lion down the road from us, attacking and killing someone's prized sheep.  Or someone's puppy being picked up and taken off all from a mountain lion or a bob cat.

Well ,last week they caught the mountain lion and had pictures of him in the newspaper.  Saddened my heart that they put it down.  We do live in the mountains!!  I told my dad about the mountain lions being in the area and he just looked at me and said "I wouldn't live there, they can attack you and you not even know it". (I thought to myself, I think I would know it when it is attacking me.) Well that was unsettling, so for the next couple of days I was actually nervous about leaving my house even to go to the garage.

But I figured (self-justification) that if a mountain lion would attack me, he would have to be pretty desperate and be half crazy and surely we don't have crazy mountain lions here, so I am safe!

But this year, I have to tell you, I have seen A LOT of coyotes, I am averaging two to three a day.  I try to keep my camera on the table by the window so when they come up my hill, I can catch them.  I know they are stalking my every day I am double checking and triple checking my coop.

Andy is working on a house a couple of doors down yesterday and calls me and says "There is a coyote coming down the road and he is BIG!"  I grabbed my camera and waited, NOTHING!! That is ok, I have plenty of coyote pictures to last me and you a while

These were taken yesterday after he (she)  leisurely went past the chicken coop for the second time, I wonder how many times he came by that I didn't see?

I think she is a girl, what should I name her?

Oops!  This is the one in November, however, belief it or not, it did snow yesterday, and it's May!  But as soon as it hit the ground it was gone, but what a beautiful picture huh?

She was moving at a really good clip.

Goin right past my neighbors, move on coyote!

Now just have to be careful with the rattlesnakes, after all we do live in the mountains!


Girl Tornado said...

Are they having a food shortage for the coyotes in the mountains? Unusual for them to come round the homes unless they're having trouble finding food on their own... hope your chickens stay safe!!!

Mountain lions scare the bejesus outta me. Many years ago, while visiting Mendocino, I found the most adorable bookstore and while browsing their shelves, found a book about mountain lions that was mesmerizing. Too mesmerizing. Lots of photos and stories of mountain lions attacking, and how they attack. After reading that and knowing their habits, you couldn't PAY me enough to go hiking in California!!!! (And I have hiked plenty there with my sis!)

Jeanine said...

Yeah, I don't think I want to read that book! Scary! Sometimes ignorance is bliss~
In regards to coyotes, I really live rural and there are a lot of coyotes where I live. When we first moved out here in this area There was only 3 houses within 4 miles. I can't say that now. In fact, one time I called the police and they went to the wrong hill and three hours later they were still not here!!!

We have had coyotes attack my chickens years ago and they got a hold of one and walked on my deck and down my stairs with the chicken in his mouth! Our coyotes have a lot of guts! When I had my horses here one got into the arena and my Arab hit the sh** out of it!

Good to see you sweetie!

Anonymous said...

Hey, do you remember when your little chicks got eaten right before Easter? Oops, that was years ago, they got out of the box and Nestle(your Lab puppy) got them. Well you didn't live in the mountains then,its a lot more dangerous now. As for the lions I can hear them screaming here too,they are in the canyon, so always keep your eyes open and the chickens locked up.
Love ya, Sis

Kathy Walker said...

We have coyotes visiting us, also. They aren't very healthy looking right now....

Susan (Between Naps On The said...

Jeanine, I live in a very populated city area...just north of Atlanta...and we see coyotes here regularly, too. I read online that their fav food is CAT! Lots of folks cats have been attacked or gone missing. Almost weekly now there is an article in the Atlanta paper about the problems with all the coyotes in the Atlanta area. They say there are more here now than in the rural areas...availability of food. Isn't that crazy??? Now a mountain lion...that would truly scare me!!! Yikes!
Oh, btw, if you are looking for Alice in Wonderland china, there is a good bit of it on eBay...or at least there was a few weeks ago. Just search for Cardew Alice in Wonderland. Cardew is the designer of the china. Stay safe! :-)