Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound.....

Those words just stop you in your steps, don't they?

I love this song, I love the words so much that I have this in a frame in my bedroom. I look at it every day and feel the love that these beautiful words say.

As I have said in my prior post, I am doing a Mother's Day Brunch for my church.  I decided to do the Brunch decorations with butterflies and the theme to be "Amazing Grace".  Now, how to tie them both in, hummm?  Well, I was walking past the picture and studied it and actually saw the butterfly on this page, it almost knocked me to my knees! I have decided to put the song, rolled up and have a lovely ribbon on it and place it  at the plate of every mother attending the brunch as one of her gifts.

So as a small gift to you, I have put Here the picture so you may print it for your Mother or even for yourself to put into a frame. 

I can't wait to post the pictures of the brunch with all the ideas that I have.  So until then, enjoy and if you would, send pictures of what you did I would love to see the projects.

Have a great day and keep the ideas going!  Now off to work on the baby shower.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Let there be light....

I just found out that the time change is this weekend!  My thoughts on it, Yippee!!!  I love daylight, in fact when I was in my twenties I honestly thought I would move to Alaska during the summer for the sunlight.  That is probably why I never moved to Washington or Oregon.  Now don't get me wrong, I love the green, the rain, but the dreary weather, not so much.

When I lived in Vegas there was soooo much sunshine, yes the heat was a pain during the day, but there is something to be said about sunlight.  Big Bear is just incredible for sunlight.  Did you know that it has almost 300 days of sunlight?  We even have a solar observatory here! 

My house has windows everywhere!  I do not have drapes on any windows in my house.  Blinds are good enough.  Walking into a house that is dark and closed up gives me the willies.  Lovely Brightness!

Same thing with lamps.  I LOVE TABLE LAMPS!  They say you are to have three lights in a room.  I think that works if you have a nightlight plugged in, Tiffany of course....But if you think about it, you have an overhead light, two table lamps  for the ends of your couch.  In fac,t that is what I am on the hunt for.  I have a small side lamp for my living room and the bulb burned out and I put in a night light in it.  Ummmm it doesn't give off any light, but give it a beautiful little glow just enough to bang your foot into the table, note to self:  Get new light bulb! 

Anyway, here are some thoughts I have for a new light in my living room, what are your thoughts?

Isn't she gorgeous!!!!  (SQUEAL!!!)  That would be perfect for my living room sitting right on top of my piano.  (Warm feeling flows through my body imagining it).  I may have to have it on even during the day!  The beauty of Tiffany!

Sunshine on my shoulder.....