Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Look at all the yellows!

Daddy with his boys!

The male is going up for show pretty soon! The little yellow is ours!

Another picture of him, can you see where it is blurry, it is from dog nose! Too Cute!
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Anonymous said...

Oh my they are so cute! I know it was so hard to pick one. I can't wait to see him, You are going to be such a good Mom.
Now you are going to have an "Old Yeller"
Love ya, Sis

Lesa said...

How cute! He is going to be big though!!! I'm used to my little 7.2 pound dog!

Lesa said...

Bear is a Maltese. And your husband is right about the yapping...I had never had a yapper before. It drives me crazy. But he is the sweetest thing EVER. I am more attached to him than any other dog I have ever had. He goes every where with me. Maybe it is because Tyler is just about grown so I have no one to baby. I'm not sure. But I am very attached to him. In the last month we have taught him to sit, lay, shake and speak on command. He is so eager to please us and he loves his mama... I wouldn't trade him for anything. My aunt got one just a few months younger than him and they are the best of friends. They live down near our land so they play all weekend together. I could go on and on about him! lol. Mud bogging...oh yes, it was a blast back in the day. When Tyler talks about taking his jeep out and doing it I cringe. I had to work 2 jobs to pay for his jeep so if he tore it up I would be really, really upset...but I remember how fun it was when were doing it so I have to suck it up... Where did you live in Texas? We are about 45 mins outside of Dallas.