Friday, May 15, 2009

I finally figured out how to play with photoshop!

I posted a while back, and it was a while, that I took lessons on who to use my camera and photoshop. The instructor was WONDERFUL, even came out to my house and was patient and very knowledgeable. He was with me for about 4 hours and told me we just hit the tip of photoshop (I am using Elements 6, he said it is all that I need for what I am doing with it.

Well, as soon as the lesson was over, instead of sitting down like a good student and studying my lessons, I took off and left for Vegas for three days. That went that. Everything I learned went out the window. Why didn't I learn this hard lesson when I was in high school 30 years ago, it still does not work.

So now I am fumbling with the haphazard notes I wrote down, another flaw in my school years thinking (I got it, these scribblies will be good enough).

Here we are, not understanding a thing when I open the program up. "Get going", I say to myself and I did actually figure out the ONE thing I wanted to do.

I love black and whites that have a ting of color on it. The Pioneer Woman did it on her blog and a lot of people put on flickr what they did and I said "I want to do that" that is really the one reason for my lesson.

I took a picture of Woody with his Frisbee and played with it and it worked! Don't ask me how I did it right now, I have to go back and write down the instructions for myself. I am going to get this printed and put it into a frame TODAY!

Give me your thoughts, I'd love to hear them!


Meadowlark said...

The color work looks good. I'd just like you to zoom in and have more doggie face and then the BURST of red frisbee.

Of course, that's opinion, and you know what THOSE are worth. :)

Jeanine said...

Hey I'll play with it and see what I can do with it, and I usually know about opinions, believe me I have a lot of them! Thanks Sweetie

Jeanine said...
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Lesa said...

It looks great! I have it, but I never have time to play with it. I have been so dang busy girl.. I have totally neglected my blog and my reading!

Girl Tornado said...

Awesome, I love this photo of Woody! :) I'm agreeing with Meadowlark -- zoom in on his face, maybe part of his body, a nice close-up with the red frisbee.

Girl Tornado said...

Oh, and I forgot to mention... I think I'm going to start leasing my mother out to everyone who needs her help, lol!