- Now what do I want to do with the "reinvention" of myself?
- Where do I see this blog in the next 12 months?
I promise to have cool facts, fun things to do and experience, giveaways, and just a laugh or two, or hopefully three.
There you have it. Maybe an indulgence of myself but I am in hopes of just to have someone out there that you can say "I get it" or "I've pondered that" or "Really"
Life is truly in the eyes of the beholder, I understand that and this will have a lot of my "eyes" in it. I can promise, a lot of "Jeanineism's". Which means the strange and wacky ways I do and see things.
So, enjoy the ride, grab a cup or glass and share a bit of time with me. Just sometimes you, and I, need to walk away from our reality just for a bit and honestly, that is why I have changed this blog title this week....the story to be written later, stay tuned.
I, as with all blog authors, love to get comments, or even better, I would love for you to be guest of my blog, by putting something in here of yours, I'm open to all.
For today, this is enough, have a great week and enjoy the ride.
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