Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound.....

Those words just stop you in your steps, don't they?

I love this song, I love the words so much that I have this in a frame in my bedroom. I look at it every day and feel the love that these beautiful words say.

As I have said in my prior post, I am doing a Mother's Day Brunch for my church.  I decided to do the Brunch decorations with butterflies and the theme to be "Amazing Grace".  Now, how to tie them both in, hummm?  Well, I was walking past the picture and studied it and actually saw the butterfly on this page, it almost knocked me to my knees! I have decided to put the song, rolled up and have a lovely ribbon on it and place it  at the plate of every mother attending the brunch as one of her gifts.

So as a small gift to you, I have put Here the picture so you may print it for your Mother or even for yourself to put into a frame. 

I can't wait to post the pictures of the brunch with all the ideas that I have.  So until then, enjoy and if you would, send pictures of what you did I would love to see the projects.

Have a great day and keep the ideas going!  Now off to work on the baby shower.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog to see my soap dispenser! I am planning to fill it with Dawn Direct Foam... or I hear you can make your own foam with 1 part Dawn regular and 6 parts water. Good luck on your project!