Friday, December 3, 2010

Bunny Tracks

I haven't been able to write this week and for that I apologize.  There has been craziness all around and I will think that it has been crazy at your home too.

We went from crazy cold to down right beautiful here this past week.  In one day the temperature raised over 50 degrees!  In the morning it was 9 yes I said 9 and then all the up to 59!  WOW!!

I wanted to post a picture of bunny tracks for no other reason than they looked cute.  You will find from time to time I post bunny tracks in the snow.  I had taken a picture the other night of bunny tracks with an indention of his bunny tail.  But taking a picture in the snow is difficult because of it being white.  The camera has a very difficult seeing pure white.

With all we have to do it is just nice to take a second and not have to think and just enjoy.

Here is one I took that the little guy came all the up to my door:


He wanted in....well this week the weather is beautiful until the next storm is supposed to hit on Sunday, but for now I will enjoy the warmth, it is getting up to 58 today, break out the shorts!

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

These are sweet tracks. :)

We had some outside our door that i couldn't quite identify as most animals around here have 4 pads on their feet that make tracks & this one had 5.

On more research i conclude it was either a ground squirrel (tho rather big for that) or a cat with 5 toes. Nothing else seems to fit.

Enjoy this wonderful weather while we have it! :)