Friday, February 8, 2008

Well since I have two sets of friends that are leaving for Hawaii today I have just some guidelines for everyone who wishes they were in Hawaii

Guides for living Hawaiian Style:

Never judge a day by the weather
The best "things" in life aren't things
Tell the truth, there is less to remember
Speak softly and wear a loud shirt
Goals are deceptive. The unaimed arrow never misses
He who dies with the most toys still dies
Age is relative. When you are over the hill, you pick up speed
There are two ways to be rich-make more money or desire less
Beauty is internal-looks mean nothing
No rain, no rainbows
Tell everyone you love them and you will always have plenty.

Well my friends, be safe, have a great time and know that I wish I was there with you, maybe next year. Have a cocktail on the beach and a kiss for me if you would. Until you get home, be careful! Love ya!

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